Monday, December 17, 2007

Read Alouds--Jen's current favorites

read alouds
Originally uploaded by hudsonthego
Claire has been participating more and more identifying objects and animals in the illustrations of books as we read. She has also demonstrated that she can handle non board books carefully with assistance. Thankfully this means I can start reading books that were in my collection as a kindergarten and first grade teacher. (And I don't have to get bored with our limited supply of board books.)
Claire is fascinated with The Napping House because it has both a dog and a cat in it. The illustrations are gorgeous. Don Wood is a master at showing animals and people in motion and evoking emotion. Old Hat New Hat continues to hold her attention after steady usage for months, Mouse Mess is a new favorite because I just love the illustrations and it has some of Claire's favorite words in it, "hush, mess, and house" Quiero un beso is a favorite with Claire because it ends with hugs and kisses. Sandra Boynton has a knack for creating clever scenarios with her critters and Claire gets to practice saying her animal sounds.

PS new Spanish word today mono (monkey)
and first experience with finger painting see Flickr for photos.

1 comment:

Ma Torg said...

The Napping House is a favorite too! Although, Lucy loved it so much she gummed it to a near death which Mary managed to finish off in her babyhood. Need to replace for Edmund. Thanks for reminding me!