Tuesday, February 19, 2008


New word, "sick"
Claire has a respiratory infection or the flu. She is feverish and coughing and congested. I'm scared it's going to turn into pneumonia like last year. She got sick on Monday and today she was worse so we took her to the doctor this morning. They checked for Strep which was negative. They gave her a breathing treatment because her breathing was a bit labored. She has slept fitfully and it takes her awhile to get back to sleep when she wakes up. Thankfully she had a good nap early this afternoon.

Update Thursday. She is getting better, though coughing seems painful to her. Unfortunately now Mark is home sick with a sore back from holding the sick baby in his lap at odd angles too long during the night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. You know we are keeping you uppermost in our thoughts.

Nanu & Papa