Wednesday, October 18, 2006

She's baffled the experts

Wendy, the new LC came over and tried to work with Claire at the breast. Claire was uncooperative, belligerant and very unhappy. We came to the conclusion that if she goes to breast it will have to be on her terms and in her timing. Please pray that God will give her a desire to breastfeed and me patience to nurture her and continue pumping milk. It is really frustrating because I think the pumping sometimes gets in the way of the nurturing. I was just about to go for a walk but then I realised that it's been nearly 4 hours since I pumped and I've had some painful plugged ducts lately so I have to pump before we can go. Much of the time I spend pumping I'd rather spend holding Claire.

1 comment:

Ma Torg said...

Oh, Jen! Don't give up hope! This source gives some really good advice about how to slowly seduce a resistant baby to the breast. It sounds like you will continue to have a rough road ahead of you, we'll continue to pray for you.

Also, in regards to the pumping issue, are you able to hold her while pumping? I used to do that with my girls if I ever needed to pump. It sometimes would make it take longer, but the skin to skin contact was enjoyable for them and would also increase my milk flow while pumping.