Friday, September 01, 2006


I had a lovely visit yesterday with Adriana and Janice from church. It was so nice to have good company, help folding laundry, food for dinner (and extras for today and tomorrow), and a little break from holding the baby.
visit 3visit 1
I have an appointment next Wednesday with a lactation consultant. (She knows Claire and I from the hospital.) Today I did some strategizing and figured out that I can detect when Claire is starting to get hungry, pump one breast briefly to get the milk flowing and then put on the nipple shield and try to nurse. I did this three times today with success during one feeding. She lost some milk out of the side of her mouth though and her sleave was all wet. Hmmm.


Anonymous said...

I left you a phone message this morning regarding a book that Jill liked about integrating baby into family routines. I remember reading it and wishing I'd been aware of some of the ideas when Mark & Jill were infants. You may find it helpful, and I'm sure Auntie Jill would love to be of service for her big brother's family. Love and hugs, Nanna Pennie

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful you have such loving, caring friends to assist.