Saturday, November 04, 2006

good nap

Claire had a two hour nap this morning and was a much happier baby today because of it. Hurray! Her feeding were either 2 to 3.5 hours apart. Last night she had a 6.5 hour stretch between feeds 7pm to 1:30 am. She ate again at 4:00 am. We are planning on feeding her before we go to bed and see if she will take her nightime feed a bit later. She did sleep in till about 7:15.

I got to nap twice today and I'm still exhasted. I guess I'm still recovering from being sick. I hope to go to bed by 8:30.

We still suspect teething is in process although she doesn't seem to be in pain, she drools a lot (Her drool rash is almost healed.) She constantly wants to have something in her mouth (Still refuses to suck at the breast though.)

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