Thursday, September 13, 2012

My mind is all a jumble these days. It is hard to keep up with everything now that we have started out home schooling school year. I want to take this opportunity on this Thursday free afternoon to make some lists and un-do the jumble. (Some of this jumble is also so to taking allergy medication. UGH!)
Things to do on future Thursdays:
tidy/ organize/ purge
make a checklist of materials we have
make a checklist of goals and ways to meet them for various school subjects
search for age appropriate story problems online.
read Charlotte Mason books
assemble last Ikea cabinet and organize contents.
Get all homeschool materials together in one place.
Compile a list of nature study locations and invite people to meet us there.
Prep craft and lesson for CBS

Order some things on Amazon or find free equivalents:
Spanish CD ROM or spanish apps to help us keep on top of learning Spanish.
Hymn CD that all of us can enjoy.
School house rock Math cd?
Poetry CD/book combo
Drop stuff off at the thrift store

1. be able to correctly form capital letters A-Z
2. be able to correctly form small letters a-z
3. be able to correctly form numerals 0-9
4. be able to copy any sentence with spaces between words and punctuation.

1. tracing with dry erase markers and books.
2. writing letters to family and friends
3. copy a sentence from poetry or scripture
4. increase pencil control by tracing pictures
5. Make a picture using only diagonal lines
6. Rainbow name
7. sand tray writing
8. tape a paper to the wall or easel for writing.


JB said...

Sounds like a good plan, Jen.

Nanna said...

Lists are good. When I am inspired to make a list to organize an area of my life, it helps me focus when I'm not feeling inspired. Lists help us reach goals. Our prayers are with you as you begin another school year with your beautiful daughters. We think of you all so often. How are Claire's loose teeth?