Thursday, June 28, 2007


Claire is feeling much better. She has one more tooth on the bottom too for a total of 7. I figure the 4th bottom tooth is soon to follow then maybe we'll have a break from teething.
I forgot to mention there are more photos on Flikr.


Beth said...

That is good news. Thanks for the updates, and thanks for the pictures! I love getting snail mail, and 7 grand pictures of Claire in the mail is something nice to come home to indeed.

Your family remains in our prayers,

Anonymous said...

Back from our trip to Ted & Ashley's in Oregon. So nice to see the new video and all the other updates!! Love the pics! And WOW, Claire, so many new teeth. That's hard work growing all those teeth. Time for a little break from teething so mom and dad can get some rest. Love, hugs, and Prayers, Nanna Pennie