Friday, July 20, 2007

MRI results already

The following is a quote from CLaire's neurologist that I just got in my email

"The MRI reveals destruction of the tissue where the old hemorrages were
with a resultant cyst involving the right temporal and occipital lobes.
The cyst appears to be draining into the venricle (normal fluid filled
cavity)on that side. There is no description of a cortical dysplasia
(malformation)as was prior suspected, which is good and there is no
development of hypdrocephalus and no further bleeding. There is some
asymmetry in size of a small area of the middle part of the brain on the
right (hippocampus), but again, no obvious malformation. Please let me
know if you have any questions."


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! It sounds very positive. Hope to talk with you soon. Love, Nanna Pennie

Jen said...

What does it mean?!? It sounds like mostly good news—fluid is draining, no malformation, no hydrocephalus, no further bleeding. Praise God! What about "destruction of tissue" and a cyst on "the right temporal and occipital lobes"? What does that mean for Claire?

I am so sorry you and Claire had to go through the MRI process. I cry when Kate gets shots, let alone all that drama. What a nightmare to see your baby in so much pain and confusion! Now you've both had some naps and rested and that nightmare is over.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Hudsons,
I am very happy with the great news!!!!!!!!! Your wonderful family is going be a blessing for all meet you.
Love in our Lord,
Auntie Nina