Wednesday, June 04, 2008

There are so many things I want to do this week. I am feeling inspired to cook but yesterday's rice pudding fiasco has put me off. I somehow managed to burn it and it tastes terrible. I'd like to make some home-made bread, crackers, and breakfast casserole and banana muffins.
Tomorrow I may have a couple hours when Beth will take Claire to church.

I discovered something today... I was thinking about sandwich ideas for Claire--no peanut butter or other nut butters, no cream cheese... Today I tried bean dip. She had several bites so I think it is promising.

Sleep for Claire has been a roller coaster lately. The other night she slept 8 hours 20mins! This was the longest stint she has ever slept! I was feeling so hopeful...I've been discouraged since the following night because she has slept 4 hour stints or less. Last night she woke up 3 times. Also, she has started waking up at 5am and sometimes won't go back to sleep!

Backing up. We enjoyed spending Claire's birthday with my extended family this year. She especially liked her applesauce cake. (This is the same cake her favorite book character, Owen, likes.)

Next we traveled to Prescott with my family where we spent several days. I got to complete a sewing project and enjoy more time with my family. Claire had a wonderful time with her grandparents and grand grandma.


Anonymous said...

We so enjoyed your visit. Little Claire phrases keep popping to mind giving us some chuckles and fine memories.

I like your redesigned blog, with the slide show of Claire's photos.

I hope your plan for getting some cooking done was successful.

Love, Nanu and Papa

Katie Jones said...

Mm. Applesauce cake! That sounds good.

I know after my first three months of being pregnant, i got all my energy back and then wanted to do everything that I couldn't do for so long. Especially cooking.

Also, I was also wondering if you had found out about what you are having during your ultrasound this week :)