Friday, October 20, 2006

Claire Can...

Last time I wanted to write more about what I've been trying and what the game plan is for coaxing Claire to nurse. Basically it is to give her plenty of opportunities to interact with the breasts by holding her skin to skin and offering the breast any time she seems at all interested. I also have been trying taking her into the bathtub with me. She is usually willing to interact with the breast but not to latch on. She sometimes gets frustrated after just a few minutes of playing other times she seems to enjoy it for a while

Claire is getting more and more interactive. She smiles more and more frequently and in response to us. She like to have her belly rubbed while she is on the changing table. She make lots of different sounds and sometimes she seems to be answering as we are talking to her. She likes to look at books aswe read to her. She looking at a variety of toys and sometimes tries to grab them. Today she grabbed inchy's feet during tummy time. She is able to bring her hands together and to her mouth and spends a good dealof time sucking on her fingers or fist. She is less interested in the pacifier. She is getting more control of her head but still needs support. She can track a toy as you move itaround in front of her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My goodness. She has progressed so much in just a week. When I was visiting, it seemed her smiles were mostly random. This is so exciting!!