Friday, January 23, 2009

Dr. Visits

Claire, Emily and I all have the cold. I am feeling much better though today and Claire seems like she is on the tail end of it too. Emily just started yesterday. Hopefully it won't hit her hard since she's getting breastmilk from me and I already had it.

This week was a whirlwind of appointments. Good news: Emily's VSD (hole in the heart) is only 1mm now. Very small and shouldn't cause her any trouble. Claire's ASD and valve defect look the same as ever and the Dr. says surgery should probably be in the fall.
Claire was so excited to go see Dr. Burke, the whole drive there she kept saying she wanted to go play with his toys and to "be checked". And she was her usual exuberant energetic self at the visit. While he was doing the ultrasound of her heart she said, "I'm a kid. I'm a lovable kid." He instinctively offers to turn on the video player to distract her, but we always refuse since we don't let Claire watch TV. While he was looking at Emily, Claire kept saying, "I want to be checked again," and was so exuberantly happy that that Dr. Burke said in 25 years of pediatric practicing he's never met anyone quite like Claire.

Emily got her Synagis shot the other day and was a trooper. It didn't seem to be as painful for her as the first time. Maybe because she has some chubs on her little thighs now.

Claire saw the Neurologist for a follow up. He says she looks great and he doesn't see any need to see her every year but we can call him if we have any questions or concerns. I'm glad because I had both girls with me at the appointment and we had to wait over 2 hours to see the Dr. even though we were on time for our appt.

We did not get to follow our new schedule and I still haven't written it out on a chart to make it easier to remember. We had several successful quiet times and now she sits down for quiet time with no fuss. Sometimes she forgets and talks before time is up so I just reset the timer and tell her we are starting again. She can do 7-8 mins now.


Nanna said...

Glad all your appointments went well. Love the Doc's comment on Claire! She is the dearest of the dears!-a "loveable kid"! Sooo very thankful Em's heart is healing. We need to talk about the possible surgery for C in the fall. How can we be of help? We're at Howard and Maria's fixing a fan and then heading over to Amy & Chris's for Rachel's 4th birthday. We'll take pictures of all the cousins! Love and Hugs! Nanna

JB said...

Claire is definitely one of a kind and we are so glad to have her in our family.

Anonymous said...

Claire is a doll...and a character. (That's a good thing) I'm a little nervous about writing because the last 2 times I went through the regular protocol, checked it, all was well, and when I checked on you the next time, the entry was gone...TWICE. (And I had written a small tome the 1st time) ANYWAYS we'll see if this one holds. Sad to hear you guys have that sailed through this house like a fury. But it didn;t settle in the lungs thankfully...more of a head/sinus thing. I HAVE FINISHED your Christmas Present!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that?? Let's chat soon. I have some free time manana/Tuesday. Maybe you can set out some African Violets so Claire can repot them while we chat. xoxxo Linda